Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Retain Montana's greatness by sending Quist to Congress

| April 25, 2017 3:48 PM

You can see it in the eyes of every woman and man

Who’ve spent their whole lives living close to the land.

There’s a love for the country

And a pride in the brand

In America’s heartland living close to the land

In America’s heartland close to the land.

This is the refrain from Rob Quist and Michael Martin Murphy’s award winning song, “Close to the Land.” Perhaps the easiest way to appreciate Rob Quist’s love of Montana, places and people is to take a few minutes and listen to the whole song on YouTube.

There is a reason this song won so many awards, including perhaps the highest, as it is now known as “America’s Heartland Song.” You really can see it in the eyes of those who live close to the land. What separates most Montanans from the rest of the country is Montanans have always lived close to the land in our jobs and enjoyments.

Montanans think so highly of our state that our preamble to our constitution states:

We the people of Montana grateful to God for the quiet beauty of our state, the grandeur of our mountains, the vastness of our rolling plains, and desiring to improve the quality of life, equality of opportunity and to secure the blessings of liberty for this and future generations do ordain and establish this constitution.

Rob Quist grew up with the quiet beauty of our state in eastern Montana before moving to the Flathead. He grew up to write and sing about the quality of a Montanan’s life. In the process he has worked to improve Montana for future generations. His life embodies the sentiments of our preamble and his song.

Who more could you trust to ensure that future generations have the opportunities most of us take for granted in our enjoyment of the grandeur of our mountains, the vastness of our plains, our wonderful, clear, free running waters, our never ending big blue, “Big Sky?”

When Stan Stevens, a Republican, was governor of Montana during our centennial birthday, guess which musician was asked to preform in the state Capitol, under Charlie M. Russell’s famous painting “Lewis and Clark Meeting Indians at Ross’ Hole?” Yep, Rob Quist, with his friend Jack Gladstone.

How many of you have sung along with one of the many songs Rob Quist wrote concerning the people and places of Montana? When you sang along, how many times did they bring a tear to your eyes, knowing you had the privilege of growing up as Montanans?

Montanans have a special opportunity to send a true Montanan to Washington in the mold of Mike Mansfield, Lee Metcalf, and Pat Williams. While you may not have always agreed with the big three, you always knew they were Montanans through and through.

I think one of the most important reasons for voting for Rob Quist is you know he isn’t running based upon ego. He is running because he loves Montanans, Montana and all that this great state and her people represent.

There is no need to make Montana great again, but there is a need for Montanans to retain our greatness. The simplest way to do so is by sending one of our greatest to represent all Montanans — Rob Quist.

Tom Muri, Whitefish