Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Thanks for mayor, council

| April 18, 2017 3:48 PM

I am writing to thank Mayor John Muhlfeld, and each city council person for the time they individually gave me out of their busy schedules to discuss the annexation issue of our second lot Tract 4, located between the west shore state park, and our house lot. They were courteous and listened carefully to our dilemma on this unusual piece of property. I also want to thank city attorney Angela Jacobs for her counsel and help on the petition for the de-annexation process. It is a good example of how responsive people in government can work to achieve reasonable conclusions for their constituents. Thank you for the de-annexation vote on that one lot, returning it to county jurisdiction.

We are glad to have city services including sewer, and will be paying our share of city taxes on our house lot as will future generations.

Bruce Tate, Whitefish