Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Thanks for student ski program

| April 4, 2017 4:07 PM

All of the students and teachers grades three through six would like to send a HUGE THANK YOU to Sue Moll, Big Mountain Ski Club, and Whitefish Mountain Resort for once again making it possible for all of those students to experience skiing on Big Mountain!

Sue works hard to coordinate this incredible opportunity for our students. She has to coordinate dates with school and the Mountain, she has to distribute and collect all the paperwork involved to get the student’s skiing information to the Mountain, she arranges for the buses to get us there and back, she rounds up volunteers to help the students with their gear and tickets when we get up there, and she is up there with us just in case there are issues (which there always are!). We so appreciate her time and effort and the donations from the Big Mountain Ski Club to make this all possible. We are so lucky to live in a community that supports our schools and offers experiences like this that they will remember for a lifetime!

Sara Parr, Whitefish