Friday, May 17, 2024

Police here to help with dogs, bikes, bears

by Bill Dial
| May 3, 2016 10:00 PM

It’s spring and with the change in weather comes changes to the community. Dogs, bears, transients, and more bike traffic are issues that your police department concentrates our efforts on to keep our community the great place it is to live and work. Daily we receive calls about the aforementioned.

Those who have and love their dogs are to be reminded that their best friends, aka your dogs, need to be on a leash at all times while they are off of your private property. There is no exception to this law and it was enacted to protect the community and the dogs. Additionally, you are required by law to clean up after your dog. Dogs that are left unattended and bark are a nuisance and disturb the neighborhood. Dog owners will be held responsible for dogs that disturb the peace, you will be cited.

We have a great dog park where you can take your dog and let them run free and even swim. That is why there is an ordinance prohibiting dogs at city beach. Please do not bring your dog to the beach.

Remember all dog owners who live within the city limits are responsible for purchasing a city dog license and ensuring that your dogs’ inoculations are up to date. For more information about the ways you can keep your dogs safe visit the Whitefish Police Department web page.

Speaking of animals, the bears are awake and are out looking for food. To protect you and the BEARS, all city residents are required to keep your garbage cans secure, unless you utilize a community (300 gallon) container. Garbage cans should be kept in a garage, shed or in an enclosure to discourage bears from feeding on your trash. If you cannot secure the container, animal resistant cans are available by contacting public works at 863-2460.

Transients regularly visit our community. We welcome all visitors who come to Whitefish. However, transients who visit this community, via the railroad, and camp in city parks or on railroad property are violating the law. We receive numerous complaints about transients. They have the right to be here. But, when they violate your rights, blocking the sidewalk, refusing to leave your property, littering, using our city parks and streets as bathrooms, having dogs that are not inoculated, that is when we intervene. Call us at 863-2420, option 2, if you are having issues with transients.

Whitefish is a bike friendly community. Vehicle drivers, share the road with bicyclist. Bicyclists, share the road with vehicles, state and local laws require you to abide by the rules of the road. Stop at stop signs, don’t ride on the sidewalk, don’t pass on the right at intersections, don’t block traffic by riding two and three abreast, have a light (front and rear) if you are riding at night. Please use bike paths where they are provided. Motorists don’t use bike lanes as passing lanes.

Just a few other reminders: Lock your cars: don’t leave purses, guns, wallets, money, tools, and other valuables in your car for those who are dishonest to steal. Secure you valuables in your house or lock them in your trunk. We receive calls from citizens who state that their car was “broken into” and valuables were taken. When asked how the thief entered, the majority state “they opened the door, it was unlocked.” Lock your houses when you are away and at night. Know who you are hiring and letting in your house. We recently arrested three people for burglarizing a house and stealing the owner’s car, electronics, guns and other valuables. The bad guys were let in by the house cleaner. Luckily one of the thieves was not smart enough to turn on the headlights of the stolen car and was stopped by Kalispell Police and a Flathead County Deputy and subsequently arrested.

Remember we are here to assist you in keeping our community safe and vibrant. We need our citizens to help us police the community. Don’t hesitate to call us.

— Bill Dial is Whitefish Chief of Police