Friday, September 27, 2024

A better use of City Hall funds

by Christine Bernat
| October 28, 2015 10:00 PM

It is with sadness that I watch our historic City Hall building being torn down to make way for the enormous development that will take its place.

Many people, including myself, will tell you that this project is way too big for our small town. We have an affordable housing crisis, but instead of addressing this issue, we are building a parking structure so tourists don’t have to walk more than a few steps to get to downtown shops and restaurants.

We could build a number of smaller parking lots a few blocks from town to accommodate the peak seasons of winter and summer. I know I would be willing to walk a couple extra blocks to save $8 million. After all, we’re a town that promotes outdoor activities and fitness.

I know that we need a new City Hall, but $15 million for this project is too much. It could be built somewhere else much cheaper, and there would still be money to add a few surface lots here and there. How about using half the money ($7 or $8 million) for City Hall and parking, and use the other half for affordable housing.

I admit I’m a lover of historic buildings and I’m sad when one is being torn down because it is no longer “functionally adequate.” The old City Hall could be used for something else, like a museum. Please consider saving the old city hall building.

— Christine Bernat, Whitefish