Whitefish hosts 20th Special Olympics Winter Games
Special Olympics Montana is celebrating its 20th consecutive year at Whitefish Mountain Resort as its winter games kickoff this weekend in Whitefish.
More than 300 athletes and 140 coaches and chaperones from 24 teams from across Montana will gather at the mountain to compete in four different sports over the three-day event.
Local athletes, police officers and friends of the Special Olympics celebrated the event with a ceremony last week at the Whitefish Depot. The ski resort and BNSF Railway are the premier sponsors of this year’s games.
Kyler Morrison, who is a member of the Whitefish team, spoke about the games and how they have given him friendships and the encouragement to get a job.
“Many of the adults might not get out of the house without Special Olympics,” he said.
Morrison competes in the snowshoe event, saying he enjoys it because of the running involved.
Police officers and athletes last week presented the Flame of Hope, the symbol of the Special Olympics. Three Kalispell athletes, Sara Maldonado, Kristin Twet and Jamey Herron were honored as members of the “20 Year Club” for two decades of participation with Special Olympics.
“Athletes like you inspire us,” said Rhonda McCarty, CEO of Special Olympics Montana. “You lift up humanity.”
The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
The winter games get started Sunday, Feb. 22 with the parade of athletes at 4 p.m. down Central Avenue to Depot Park, where the opening ceremonies will take place including the ceremonial lighting of the Special Olympics cauldron. Competition takes place Monday, Feb. 23 and Tuesday, Feb. 24 at Whitefish Mountain Resort.
Evengts includes alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and snowboarding. Athletes participate in eight weeks of training before the games.
At this year’s games, the youngest athlete is 8-years-old and the oldest athlete is 63-years-old.
This year’s games are a qualifying event for the 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games to be held in Austria.
Whitefish Mountain Resort plays host for the weekend providing the venue and staff to work alongside the volunteers.
“For our employees this is one of our favorite events of the year,” said resort spokeswoman Riley Polumbus. “We all love to be part of this event and we hope we have another 20 years.”
“We’re absolutely delighted to be able to celebrate the 20th Special Olympic Winter Games here at Whitefish Mountain Resort,” added resort president Dan Graves. “The smiles and cheers of the athletes are magical for all of us at the resort. Let the games begin!”
Karen Kimball, volunteer organizer, agreed that the event also is rewarding for the 300 folks who volunteer. Volunteers from seven Flathead Valley schools and BNSF employees will be among those helping out this year.
“They are guaranteed to have lots of fun and be inspired,” she said of the volunteers. “When you see those with a disability giving 110 percent it makes you ask yourself, ‘Am I giving all I can?’”
Volunteers are still needed to help with the games. The most urgent needs include mountain guides, gate keepers, photographers and drivers for the parade. Volunteers can register online at www.somt.org/volunteer or by contacting Karen Kimball at 250-8481.