Adams will prevent unnecessary regulation
In the 2014 election for Montana House District 5, I will be supporting Doug Adams for four reasons.
First of all, Doug will continue to fight against the economically unfeasible Medicaid expansion efforts. Doug understands that throwing good money after bad is not an intelligent way to help poor people gain access to quality healthcare.
Secondly, Doug understands that overregulation has a way of decreasing work opportunities for the poor. By working in the legislature to prevent unnecessary laws that reduce Montana jobs, Doug will ensure Montana families have greater employment prospects so they can afford to buy their own homes, educate their children, and save for a dignified retirement.
Thirdly, Doug will put the needs of poor and middle class Montana children above the well-financed teacher unions. Doug knows that competition in education has a way of increasing quality while reducing costs, resulting in better educated children and a stronger economy. If elected, Doug will caucus with other legislators to press for legislation that will allow Montana families to send their children to the schools that best meet their needs.
Finally, Doug is proud of Whitefish’s public-private partnership successes, such as the North Valley Food Bank, the Whitefish High School expansion project, and the Smith Fields, and he knows you get more assistance from wealthy neighbors when you ask for their partnership than when you force them to pay higher taxes.
Doug Adams paid attention in his economics and government classes, and he knows that the government is best which governs least; therefore, I will be casting my vote for Doug Adams on election day.
— Joseph Coco