Sunday, May 19, 2024

Why you should fix these 5 bad habits that hurt your health

by Brandpoint
| September 8, 2013 4:00 PM

Habits are hard to break. This is great news for those of us with healthy habits, but not so much for those with bad habits we know we should kick. If you’re committing any of these bad habits, it’s time to fix them – today.


Smoking is bad for our bodies, plain and simple. The health effects from cigarette smoking cause more than 440,000 deaths in the United States every year.

Fix it: Don’t quit cold turkey, try nicotine-replacement therapy, ask your doctor about prescription medications, find a support system in your friends and family, and avoid triggers like alcohol.

Ditching healthy habits on the weekends.

Not counting the weekends as a part of your healthy lifestyle can actually harm your health. Binging on unhealthy foods and not staying active on the weekends can set you back in your healthy living goals.

Fix it: Make an effort to stay active on the weekend. Sure, you should find time to relax and unwind – but don’t fill your entire weekend with sedentary activities.

Hanging out with lazy friends.

If your friends would rather go out to eat all of the time than do anything active, you’re not getting the physical activity you could be, and you’re not doing your health any favors.

Fix it: Step up to the plate and suggest doing something more active, like a round of golf or a walk downtown. Be the one to incorporate more of these activities into your plans with your friends.

Giving up too soon.

It takes some time for a healthy lifestyle to become habit, and without habit, you’re bound to quit too soon. If you give up too soon and resort back to unhealthy habits, your health may suffer.

Fix it: Motivate yourself. Write encouraging notes, surround yourself with a positive support system, or find another motivational method that works for you.

Not being aware of your health.

Many health problems, such as stroke and peripheral arterial disease, are asymptomatic. If you’re not staying on top of your health by being aware of your risk for these types of conditions, you could be doing yourself a disservice.

Fix it: See if preventive health screenings are right for you. These health screenings, like the ones offered by Life Line Screening, are fast, affordable and sometimes even life-saving.