Friday, September 20, 2024

SMS set to host annual Mustang Wellness 5k

by Matt Naber West Shore News
| May 9, 2012 1:53 PM

Runners, joggers, and walkers will line up at Somers Middle School on the morning of May 12 to make a loop out to the primitive beach area near the north shore and the public boat launch for the second annual Mustang Wellness 5k Run.

The event is hosted by the wellness committee at Lakeside/Somers School District to promote health and wellness.

“It’s a fun way to celebrate a healthy lifestyle with family and get the community involved as well,” wellness program coordinator Robin Vogler said. Vogler is also the food service director for the school district and teaches seventh- and eighth-grade nutrition class.

Prizes such as dining certificates and t-shirts will be awarded to the first place finishers of each age group from the Sportsman Ski Haus, North Bay Grille, Somers Bay Café, Tamarack Brewing Company, Del’s Bar, Rocky Mountain Outfitters, and Norm’s News.

Vogler said a senior category was added for the racers because some of last year’s participants were over 60 years old.

Last year the Mustang Wellness 5k was held at Lakeside’s Volunteer Park and had over 100 participants. That number is anticipated to grow this year.

“We’re just hoping for a beautiful day on the lake,” Vogler said.

The committee was formed in 2006 to improve the health of Lakeside/Somers students. The group has since aligned the school’s lunch and physical education programs to meet federal requirements for wellness in schools.

“We keep the sugar, salt, and fat down. We serve only healthy meals here at Somers and Lakeside,” Vogler said. “We’re pretty proud of our healthy menus.”

Registration for the race is open to all ages and begins on Saturday at 8 a.m. at Somers Middle School; cost is $10 per person to participate, or $25 per family. The race begins at 9 a.m. and should be done around noon.

All proceeds from registration fees go toward next year’s race.