Saturday, May 18, 2024

Hill's positions on education are a step backward

by Ernest ScherzerTrout Creek
| July 3, 2012 5:30 PM

As a retired teacher with 51 years experience in teaching, administration and coaching — the last 17 done without pay and 10 of them in a rural Montana county — I fear for the education of Montana children if Rick Hill were Governor.

Hill’s record and positions on education are a step backward.

That’s not surprising for a man who has consistently opposed good education for Montana children. Look at his record.

Cut college loan funding by $10 billion — supported, 1996.

Pell Grants — voted against, 1998, even though it’s a success story for getting more students through college.

Cut education funding by $13.8 billion — voted for, 1998. Loss of millions for modernization of Montana schools.

Abolish the Department of Education — advocated as congressman. Would result in annual loss of millions of dollars for Montana schools which would necessitate massive local school tax increases in Montana counties.

Privatize Montana Education — a goal as governor. In spite of all the bad effects it’s had in other states.

He will give high income families a subsidy — vouchers — financed by all Montana taxpayers.

Hill wants an improved education for the chosen. Smaller school enrollments will result in big reductions in local school state funding. That means local cuts and poorer education for all but the well-to-do.

Montana does not need an improved education just for the chosen. It needs an improved system statewide for all children.

Fortunately, Steve Bullock’s education goals will avoid these disasters.

Ernest Scherzer,

Trout Creek