Saturday, May 18, 2024

Brand new high school dedicated in 1960

by Gladys Shay
| July 3, 2012 7:55 AM

Dedication of new $1,660,000 Columbia Falls High School was headline news in 1960. Supt. Dulane Fulton presided at the dedication ceremony. Keys for the building were accepted by Robert A. Sneddon, board chairman, from Gehres Weed, architect. Dean Linus J. Carleton, Montana State University, was guest sneaker.

Program was first in the new Little Theatre. District 6 School Board members participating were Basil Everin, Columbia Falls; William Hoppe, Martin City; Everett Lundgren, West Glacier; Robert Harner, Coram; and Robert A. Sneddon, Columbia Falls. F. P. Fleming was clerk.

Others introduced were CFHS Principal Carl Launer, Dr. W. F. Bennett and William Knapton, former board members; Mayor Roy Lindsey, T. H. Fullerton, one of the contractors, Pastors Orville Grorud and Ralph Werner.

American flags were presented by Mrs. Charleen Lyngstad, VFW Auxiliary, for the Little Theatre, and Warren Hook, PTA, for the gym. Dan Plummer, Student Council president, received the flags on behalf of the school.

Dedication ceremony included music. Ross Luding, Martin City, provided the piano prelude. CFHS band directed by Don Lawrence, played. Sextet with Bob Fulton, Melvin Kisser, Gary Wulf, Bill McGinley, Martin Leeman and Larry McMillan, band members, entertained. The CFHS choral group directed by Ron Bond, had Barbara Luding, Marla Kollenborn, Lynn Sunell, Marge Bakshas, Bob Vosburgh, Colin White, Martin Leeman and Melvin Kisser as members.

Faculty members were on hand for building tours with National Honor Society members as guides. They were Barbara Luding, president; Dan Plummer, Joan Hagestad, Pat Darling, Dean Knapton, JoAnn Cada, Marla Kollenborn, Rose Corrigeux, Bill Lokken, Sharon Olson, Dick Tombrink and Bob Vosburgh.

Refreshments were served by the following Columbia Falls PTA members: Mrs. Kenneth Averill, chairman; Mrs. A.P. Spencer, Mrs. Fred Vosburgh, Mrs. John Latson, Mrs. A. W. Hook and Mrs. Jake Choate. Mrs. Jennie Lewis, supervisor of the hot lunch program, and her assistants, Mrs. Martha Lewis, Mrs. Millie Albrecht and Mrs. Goldie Chapman were also on hand.

Gladys Shay is a longtime resident and columnist for the Hungry Horse News.