Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Respect our women and daughters

| September 13, 2007 11:00 PM

During a recent discussion among those gathered for what may be the final "Socrates Cafe," the question we posed was, "What effect did the women's movement of the 1960s and 1970s have on society?"

There were several pros and cons presented; however, I couldn't help thinking that the most pivotal issue preventing women's equality was never confronted by the movement itself — the objectification of women.

This objectification occurs in many forms — movies, media, women's magazines, musical lyrics, and is reinforced throughout the fashion industry. But nowhere is it more prevalent or flagrant than within the pornography industry.

The objectification of women through pornography has been refined, perfected and transformed into a multi-billion dollar industry that cowards behind the perversion of our First Amendment right. Never satisfied, it strives to delve ever deeper into deviant and depraved behavior, debasing women in unconscionable ways, including acts of violence.

As long as women are reduced to simply being objects of selfish gratification, they will never be viewed as an equal or gain true equality.

So what bearing does this have on our Whitefish community? I know of at least one bar on Central Avenue that objectifies and exploits women's sexuality through "pole dancing."

Is the objectification of women really what we want to display to those visiting Whitefish or, more importantly, to our sons and daughters? Will pole dancing promote the better treatment of women, encourage a greater respect towards them or an attitude of equality?

As a man, I can assure you it won't. As a father of three daughters and a son, this weighs heavily upon my heart and mind.

Our daughters are constantly being pressured and encouraged to exploit their sexuality, indoctrinated with the belief that the greatest assets they possess are not their minds or individuality, but rather their sexuality.

Let us be known as a community that respects and cherishes our women and daughters. This is not Anywhere, USA. This is Whitefish, Montana, my family's hometown and yours.

JT Bailey
