Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Pick up litter

| June 14, 2007 11:00 PM

We wish to applaud Jeffrey for his letter regarding litter. It takes an 8-year-old to bring this to our attention.

We have been coming to Whitefish for approximately 10 years or more, winter and summer vacations. We are from the UK and, like Jeffrey, have noticed a considerable decline in the cleanliness of the area.

The UK is not the best example of being litter-conscious; however, groups get together generally on a Sunday morning to go litter-picking with refuse bags, to try and help reduce the mess (solely caused by lazy, irresponsible individuals). Not only tidying up the area but getting exercise and great way of meeting people.

Maybe someone could get this going in Whitefish and surrounding areas. We guess this isn't happening yet. You have the most beautiful county. Look after it before it's too late.

Deni and Tom Ward

Devon, England