Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Golden Rule and the gun range

| July 12, 2007 11:00 PM

In the world today, it sometimes seems that people forget what it takes to be a good neighbor. Why? Maybe it's because we try to regulate people's lives too much with rules, zonings and laws, and if there isn't one, then people don't know what the boundaries are anymore.

Whatever happened to the Golden Rule? "Do unto others as you would have them do to you likewise?" and "love your neighbor as yourself."

If these basic principles are applied, everyone can get along. When the Tally Lake-Bissell School neighborhood had recently discovered that Robert Hayes was intending to construct a gun range in our backyard, we met with him and expressed our concerns.

Mr. Hayes is a fine contributor to our community. He has been very gracious toward The Wave and the new North Valley Hospital.

Mr. Hayes has also been very understanding toward our quiet neighborhood. Not realizing the full impact such a range would have to the surrounding area, Mr. Hayes has made it known to the neighborhood that he would reconsider the gun range location.

I want to thank Mr. Hayes, as I'm sure all the neighbors do, for putting others feelings and livelihoods ahead of his own and for being a good neighbor.

Robert Rice
