Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Mayor Feury will be missed

| August 30, 2007 11:00 PM

I am writing to thank Andy Feury for his 12 years of service to the city of Whitefish as a city councilman and most recently as our mayor.

Twelve years out of the past 14 is a mighty long time for an unpaid, pretty thankless job. He continued to serve because he cares about our town.

Andy Feury was the quintessential mayor and statesman. He seems to know everyone in town by name, and during his service, he consistently made fair decisions with our community's highest good in mind. His resignation is a real loss, and he will be missed.

Fortunately, city councilwoman and current deputy-mayor Cris Coughlin is running for mayor this fall. Her values and goals are similar to Andy's, and so I know that, although we will miss Mayor Feury, we will be in good hands nonetheless.

Linda Young
