Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Last Tuesday, Realtors from the area picked up donated food to re-supply the North Valley Food Bank. How wonderful it was to see the spirit of caring and generousity displayed by our neighbors.

| October 6, 2005 11:00 PM

Last Sunday, many hit the bricks (actually asphalt and gravel roads) to drop off empty grocery bags at the houses of our assigned streets. Tuesday night was pick-up night.

As I parked my van at the head of my assigned street, my heart jumped. On every porch within eye sight were bags containing pork and beans, soups, corn, peas, pears, cereal, spagetti sauce, pasta and, yes, even Spam and so much more.

Some bags still contained the receipt from the grocery store. It was obvious some homeowners had shopped just to be able to provide food for the bags.

Those bags had more than food as contents — they were filled with love. When I brought in the bags, I could see the eyes of June and Betty become glassy as they accepted these gifts into the Food Bank.

"Many will benefit from these greatly needed gifts of sharing."

Then they told me of the generosity of Iron Horse. Fantastic. Pat yourself on the back Whitefish, you done good. Again.

Bill Milner
