Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Logic against Glacier Mall sounds familiar

| February 23, 2005 10:00 PM

"I don't have a problem with the mall, I have a problem with its location." This was the comment made by Sharon DeMeester in 2002, when the Glacier Mall was proposed to be built in Evergreen. When the proposed location for the new mall was changed from Evergreen to north of Kalispell on U.S. Highway 93, she then spearheaded the opposition to the mall by forming a Citizens For A Better Flathead front group, North 93 Neighbors. With three other individuals (two former Directors of CFBF), she promptly filed a lawsuit to stop the new mall at the new location.

Now, it appears that the "green" acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. While many of us were warning the public during the last election that Democrat Joe Brenneman had long time connections to extreme anti-property rights and anti-growth organizations like CFBF, he, with help from his friends, tried to paint himself as a "moderate." among these "friends" were a small group of downtown Kalispell CFBF Democrats, calling themselves Republicans to help Brenneman get elected.

A long time agricultural family in Flathead County, the Lybeck's, have been struggling, as has most of the counties agricultural community, simply to survive. The Lybeck's are truly, "land poor." a recent subdivision proposed on a portion of the Lybeck's property, Pressentine Ranch, came before the county commission. The proposal was supported by the republican majority on the commission and opposed by the new "moderate" Democrat, Joe Brenneman.

This is what commissioner Brenneman had to say about the proposal: "I can't support it… It's in the wrong location." Sound familiar?

It appears that commissioner Brenneman is more concerned with protecting and rewarding his extreme leftist base, than he is concerned with the plight of a fellow Flathead County dairy farmer. Perhaps this should come as no surprise. Have you ever heard of a "green" moderate?

I told you so.

Dick Skees

Columbia Falls