Police Calls: Suspicious yelling found to be dog calling
The police calls section does not reflect the nature or the volume of the calls received by local law enforcement.
Jan. 7
A man was arguing with employees at a location on Highway 40.
A maintenance person reported a lawn mower was stolen at least two weeks ago.
The Honda ridgeline reported as stolen was found parked on the curb on First Street.
A Silverado backed into a Subaru on Second Street. There were no injuries and the parties exchanged information.
Six vehicles were cited for poor parking on Fifth Street, Spokane Avenue, Somers Avenue, Columbia Avenue and Flathead Avenue.
A caller on Elderberry Loop thought the person outside wearing all dark clothes and building a snow board ski arch seemed suspicious.
Jan. 8
A driver on Edgewood was warned to turn on his lights but he did not.
The caller reported being nearly hit head-on by an SUV-type of vehicle on Highway 40. The reckless driver was “all over the road” and caused the caller to go off the road.
A caller was suspicious of noises heard on Armory Road that included a male yelling and a horn honking for 10 minutes. Police located a female calling for her dog.
Jan. 9
Two vehicles were parked in handicapped spots without placards or handicapped plates at a location on Baker Avenue.
Heavy machinery had been parked on 15th Street for several days, blocking traffic.