Sunday, February 16, 2025

The sickness of wolf trapping

| January 15, 2025 1:00 AM

Wolf trappers and their supporters share in their hatred, cruelty and violence toward wolves. Worse, they suffer from the cluster of psychopathologies that involve sadism, through humiliation, the transfer of shame and guilt, or ostensible indifference. Authoritative research unequivocally shows high correlations between sadism toward animals and violence toward humans they perceive as weaker. Legally sanctioned violence hides non-sanctioned violence even though they co-occur. In contrast, good stewardship toward wolves recognizes generosity, reverence for life, responsibility, zoological inter-connectedness and their ontological parity with humans. The tendentious whining of ranchers and false data about the loss of ungulates are superficial screen issues that obfuscate the deeper loss of ecosystem health. Bureaucratic management nonsense further hides the speciesism, racism, and sexism involved in this ongoing genocide. Wolves do not deserve to be punished. They are not guilty. They are not the evil Other. They do not deserve to be tortured to death. Instead, wolf trapping is a sickness, and ought to be punished at the felony level through incarceration or ameliorated through effective mental health intervention. Wolf trapping has no legitimate place in an evolving humanity.
Dr Kevin Boileau & Nazarita Goldhammer, Dillon