Seek and ye shall find
The only control I have in life is over myself. Regardless of the condition of my body, I am totally in control of my mind.
We are witnessing the tremendous advances our world is making exploring and learning about outer space. Perhaps we humans should be focusing and working on our inner space. This involves how we each choose to think, speak, and act in our daily lives.
The answer I discovered for handling all these confusions and challenges we face in life was in the spiritual teachings of "A Course in Miracles." This is a self-study program of spiritual psychology. It trains the mind to relinquish a thought system based on fear and accept a thought system based on love.
There are also many other self-empowering teachings available to us humans as we navigate within all this chaos and confusion around us. Yes, within all these outer problems, each of us has the personal inner power to live life harmoniously and peacefully. Let’s believe and act upon this wonderful quote: "Seek and ye shall find."
Bob McClellan, Missoula